Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I can't get over how cute these kids are! The two boys are my favorite.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happiness is...

...Jane Powell teaching Frank Sinatra to knit.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I only wish...

...I was this clever.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Granted, this movie does look a tad bit on the completely unintelligent side and yes, I am aware that the subject matter is vampires, buuuuut Michael Cerveris is in it and therefore I am super excited about it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happiness is...

...Doris Day posing with colorful poodles.

Monday, September 21, 2009

on Broadway

I had a geek moment today and got on

Apparently Green Day wrote a musical. This scares me a bit. It's like a tacky, Hot Topic version of Rent. I hope it stays away from Broadway.

Would someone please push Andrew Lloyd Webber off the planet already? The man is not only making a sequal (yes, a SEQUAL) to Phantom, but he's remaking The Wizard of Oz!!! Mr. Webber, keep your filthy, big show-writing hands off of that classic. Thank you.
Apparently he'll condescend to allowing 'Over the Rainbow' to remain in the show. All I need say is anyone who casts his shows via reality tv clearly has problems.
Besides he's just plain creepy looking.

I'm still looking forward to the revival of Bye Bye Birdie. Although it annoys me that they cast some Nickleodian (I don't even know how to spell it) star as Conrad, I haven't seen anything too terrible to discourage me from attempting to go see it.
And anyways, the costumes are incredible.
Oh ,and Regina Spektor is writing a musical! It will be based on the Grimm's Sleeping Beauty. Thank god some famous, talented people are finally doing stuff.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Isao Takahata's Hotaru No Haka, one of the most heartbreaking movies I've ever seen. I cried my eyes out and consequently felt like a fool. It was such an incredibly beautiful film.

One of my favorite past times when I was little was to pour over the photos in my dad's many World War II books. I wasn't morbid, I was just curious as any child would be and also, I think, addicted to the emotion the pictures inspired in me. I looked long and hard at all the emmaciated concentration camp inhabitants and the charred remains of Japanese soldiers taken down by American flamethrowers. The ones of children were especially examined. These are the two that stick with me the most vividly.

Although most people would probably say this was too much for a child of my age to be exposed to, I think it was good for me. It gave me a better understanding of war than I would have had, I think, had it been otherwise. I understood that the "bad guys" were human too, that their deaths were just as tragic as the deaths of those from my country. Although I was not blind to Hitler's evil, I found myself heroes from both sides of the battle lines, acknowledging the courage and sacrifices made. I never took war lightly.

At any rate, the point of all this rambling has been that this amazing film rewoke all these old thoughts and emotions. I've been a practical Hamlet these last couple days, brooding away. I thought I'd take a whack at trying to write down some of my thoughts.

On a happy note, I'm glad to have found Isao Takahata, for now that I'm almost done with all the American released films of Hayao Miyazaki I'll have another animation director to move onto.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

infatuation is good for the soul

Current obsessions:

the Bronte sisters

French films

fashion history

cheesy 80's faerie tales

Michael York

Sunday, January 25, 2009

faerie tale dreams of watchmen eating people


Not really sure what to write. I just know I want to write something.

I had strange dreams last night. I finished reading The Watchmen and then I watched some faerie tales from the 80's and then I watched Delicatessen (amazing). These all rolled together and made for some interesting dreams. Lots of killing.

I've been in a weird mood all day, one of those creative-but-not-sure-what-to-create sort of days. You know?

I think I want to paint.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I watched this last night and it diseased my brain which now refuses to sit quiet. My imagination is skipping about. Nothing palpable, just a bunch of random words and pictures up there. It doesn't know where to take root.
I let it wander out onto a piece of paper last night and it took the form of the strangest thing I've ever written, but I'm too chicken to post it here.

Your Truly,

Rachael of the nomad brain

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bedtime Story

Once upon a time...

there was a girl. She didn't have a whole lot to say. Or else she did have quite a bit to say but chose to leave it unsaid. One day she thought to herself, "Perhaps I should start saying some of these unsaid things." The girl made a blog.